7 Simple Tips for Sprucing Up Your Space

No matter how much you love your home, there are always times when one or more rooms can feel old or dingy. In times like these, you likely want to redo the entire room – new furniture, new floors, maybe even tear down a wall.

Before you break out the sledgehammer, take a breath. You don’t need to spend your life savings to renew your space. Just a few simple changes can make a big difference.

Start At the Door

Stand at the entrance to the room and focus on the first thing you see. If your eyes first land on something cluttered, broken, or otherwise unappealing, it can make the rest of the room feel the same way.

Read also: Unique Home Decor Ideas That Will Make Your Home Look Unique

Start your refreshing journey by paying this area some attention. You might try adding a decorative piece, decluttering the space, or replacing whatever is there.

Add Some Lighting

A lack of good lighting can cause a negative feeling in a room. Put in new light bulbs, change lampshades, or add a few extra lamps throughout the room.

Work on the Windows

Again, the amount of light in a room can affect the look and feel. One of the best types of light to have is natural light peeking through your windows. However, if your windows are dirty or covered with dark curtains and blinds, it can block natural light.

Pull out your window cleaner and start scrubbing. Once you have sparkly glass, consider refreshing your windows’ wardrobe. Think about changing out your curtains or adding some new blinds.

Break Out the Cleaning Supplies

Sometimes, a room needs a good deep cleaning. Start with decluttering and consider professional cleaning of any carpet or fabric furniture you have. Polish all your wood furniture, clean all your glass and light fixtures, and polish any knobs.

Refresh Your Walls

Sprucing up your walls can have a huge impact, and there are many ways to do it. Painting is an option. You can brighten up your space with light colors, create a rich look with deeper colors, and use color psychology to create a specific mood in that room. Adding wainscoting or a chair rail also a great option to enhance the new paintwork.

further, you can add 3D wood panels for walls. These look and feel beautiful, textured wooden walls in just a few steps.

Once you’ve picked your new wall, it’s time to accept it. Hang family photos, decorative pieces, or some contemporary art.

Cover the Floor

Area rugs are another simple improvement. In many homes, this one change can improve the entire room. All you need to do is pick your color and pattern, make a run to the store or online purchase, and roll out your new flooring.

Pick a Few Throws

You can also easily enhance your furniture with some throw covers and pillows. And these additions will be great for the times you want to hang out and soak in your brand-new look.

If you want to change the look of a room – or even your whole home – you don’t have to plan an entire renovation. These seven tips can transform your space with much less effort.

Kevin Darabont
I am a freelance writer who loves to craft, home decor improvement, and active DIYers. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience to the world and learn new things everyday.