8 Things to Do After Buying a New Home

Considering how overwhelming and rigorous a home-buying process can be, you might feel like relaxing after the home is finally yours. However, there’s still a long way to go before you can breathe a sigh of relief. If it’s your first home, you may not know what to do next after closing on a house. This article outlines eight things to do after buying a new home.

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  1. Secure your property

Securing your new home before moving in is an essential aspect to consider. You don’t want the previous owners accessing the property without your knowledge or permission. Assess the front door to ensure it’s in pristine condition. If not, you can get a robust replacement door from Doors Plus

 or another vendor near you. If your entry door doesn’t need replacing, look for a professional locksmith to change your locks.

Where the property has an alarm system, pick a new provider or pay for a reconnection service. Consider asking for codes and manuals for electronic systems, such as the garage or home alarm. Prioritize changing the existing regulations to other configurations known to you alone. If no manuals are available, look for online resources to help you reprogram.

  1. Deep clean the home.

While moving into a new home might be exciting, it’s essential to have it deep cleaned before shifting. Consider hiring a home cleaning service

Deep cleaning can help protect your loved ones from pet dander allergies. The cleaning service can help ensure every inch of your house, including the bathrooms and kitchen, are clean. If the house was recently renovated, there could be a lot of debris and dirt in the ducts. So, getting the house professionally cleaned is essential.

  1. Connect your utilities

Connecting all the must-have utilities before moving into your new home is brilliant because it ensures you have all the necessities before settling in. consider switching the gas, electric, and water bills to your name. Call the providers to see what’s needed to put the accounts in your name. However, you should ensure the past homeowner has no outstanding utility bills or debts. You can also schedule to get your internet connected ahead of time.

  1. Update your address

It’s advisable to start changing your address when moving to prevent complications later on. This process is essential for identification purposes, including your driver’s license, passport, and health card. Updating your address before moving ensures your emails aren’t sent to the wrong address or lost. You should also notify your insurance companies, credit card providers, eCommerce retailers, subscription services, employers, loan servicers, and others. Don’t forget about notifying the apps that deliver takeout or groceries to you, so it’s delivered to your new place.

  1. Create a maintenance plan

Safeguarding your home and keeping it in top condition. While the tasks might seem small, ranging from changing air filters to power washing your property’s exterior to cleaning gutters, you should keep track of them. A regular home maintenance routine will help ensure these tasks are completed on time.

  1. Ensure the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are functional

Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors help promote your family’s safety, so ensure they’re in top working condition and functional. Replace the detectors if they aren’t in good condition. If they don’t need replacing, get new batteries to keep them working perfectly.

Since fires will likely begin from the laundry area and the kitchen, install smoke detectors there. You can also place them in hallways leading to the bedrooms. If your home has several floors, put at least one detector on every floor. Consider changing the detector batteries every six months to ensure safety.

  1. Read the home inspection report

A comprehensive home inspection report enables you to detect safety concerns like asbestos and carbon monoxide exposure, which may heighten Mesothelioma risk. Reading your new home’s inspection report informs you of its condition and helps you identify defects your property might have, including mold, leaks, and electrical issues. It also provides the utmost protection of your new home for a long time by helping you prepare a maintenance checklist.

A professionally completed home inspection report allows you to determine how much money and effort you’re ready to spend to enhance your new home’s condition. You can also leverage the information to negotiate your property’s insurance.

  1. Know your new home better

Knowing where to find everything in your new home comes in handy during emergencies. Find the primary water shut-off valve and learn how to shut it should the sink begin to leak or a faucet break. The shut-off valve could be in the garage, crawl space, or basement. Locate the circuit box and ensure the switches and fuses are labeled accordingly. If there’s a sump pump, test it to ascertain functionality. This will help pump any standing water from your home effectively when needed.


If you’re a new homebuyer, you might need help figuring out what to do after purchasing a new house. Consider familiarizing yourself with the steps to take after buying a new home.

Zack Neur
Hi, I'm Architect and DIY Lovers, I love to write the information bout building and DIY Things for you