5 Best Summer Hacks to Keep Your House Cool this Year

Summer is knocking at the door, and depending on which region you live in, you are indeed prepping up for rising temperatures. While you might be stocking up in sun creams, upgrading your summer wardrobe, wiping the dust off your bicycles, or filling the swimming pool in your wardrobe, the real question is, how summer-ready is your house?

Here are a few tips to help you keep your house cool in the summer without having to break the bank on the utility bills:

Adjust the Ceiling Fans

decoding="async" width="680" height="1024" src="https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-680x1024.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-43190" srcset="https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-680x1024.jpg 680w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-199x300.jpg 199w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-768x1156.jpg 768w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-1020x1536.jpg 1020w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-450x677.jpg 450w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan-780x1174.jpg 780w, https://bluehomediy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/ceiling-fan.jpg 1063w" sizes="(max-width: 680px) 100vw, 680px" />

When it comes to the summer season, you might want to ensure that the fans rotate counter-clockwise to help with the cooling effect by pushing the air straight down to the floor. Ensure that the fan is on high speed so that you don’t have to turn on the air conditioner and add to the utility bills.

You might want to get your ceiling fans checked and avail of the ceiling fan repair service in Los Angeles

Another amazing fan hack to save on the air conditioner bills is strategically placing a bowl of ice near the fan – you can also use extra chill water bottles. This hack works perfectly well for standing fans – all you need to do is place a bucket or bowl of crushed ice in front of the fan – the room temperature will instantly cool down without the air-con on.

Seal Window and Door Gaps

You are definitely looking for ways to keep the indoor space cool for a longer time possible. While it is advised to open the windows and let in some fresh air in the morning and the evenings, you sure want to keep those windows and doors closed when the sun is at its wildest.

Keep the doors and windows closed in the rooms you aren’t using to keep the temperature cool inside. You might also want to assess the windows and doors for potential gaps and crevices that might need caulking. You can do the caulking independently or rely on professional help to do the needful.

By sealing the windows and doors, you can ensure that you can optimize the use of the air conditioner and keep the room temperature cool for a longer time without worrying about the cool air escaping through gaps.

Another benefit of sealing the window and door gaps is that you can keep summer pests off the bay. Summer pests, such as mosquitoes, roaches, ants, and bugs, can enter your house through the tiniest gaps possible. You can ensure that your home remains bug-free all summer by sealing the cracks.

Spend Your Evenings Outdoors

Spending your day indoors with the air conditioner and fans on is a great idea, but summer is great when the evenings are spent outside, which is why it is an excellent idea to save money and enjoy the warm summer breeze outside in the backyard.

Typically, summer evenings are cooler, so it is a great idea to open the windows and allow your house to cool off naturally rather than adding to the bills. Just make sure to close the windows during the night – you don’t want bugs and thieves lurking at night in your house.

While hanging out in the backyard or the nearby park, don’t make the mistake of ordering junk food in – remember, summers are all about feeling good, living healthy, and kicking it off in the pool. You definitely want to look and feel your best (say no to processed food). Meanwhile, get your outdoor kitchen running, turn on the barbeque vibes, and prepare your evening meals outside – or in the nearby park.

You can have a perfect alternative to cooking inside and setting the temperatures rising indoors due to a steamy kitchen by preparing your meal outside.

Switch Your Lightbulbs to LED

Did you know that LEDs or light-emitting diodes don’t exude heat when turned on? You might want to change the lightbulbs and keep your indoors cool. Incandescent light bulbs are a big no for the summer. Besides, LED light bulbs don’t add much to the utility bill as their incandescent counterparts. Any lightbulb that is not LED produces heat and makes the room warmer than what is needed.

Change Your Bedding

While the winter is awesome for making things cozy in the bedroom with heavy beddings and quilts, the summer season is ideal for lightweight cotton sheets and lightweight quilts. If you are a fan of tech gadgets, you can immensely benefit from smart bedding to adjust to the desired cooler temperature for a refreshing sleep. You might also want to change the mattress – turn it over to the cooler side.

When it comes to the bedding, you might want to change the pajamas too and wear something lightweight such as cotton. Cotton is a lightweight, breathable fabric that allows your body to remain cool even when it is super warm outside.

Rest assured, keep sipping water throughout the day and best, purchase a portable water bottle as a reminder to drink more water and stay cool during the summer season.

Kevin Darabont
I am a freelance writer who loves to craft, home decor improvement, and active DIYers. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience to the world and learn new things everyday.